A Bridgeview Montessori Love Letter by Suzanne Lawson
At Bridgeview Montessori School, we have full faculty meetings the first Tuesday of every month. On the subsequent Tuesdays, our faculty meet in small groups to discuss curriculum and also work in their classrooms. We feel fortunate to have this time to collaborate and prepare our learning environments.
This past Tuesday at our full faculty meeting, Sandy, our Head of School, asked us to share one thing we each love about our work. She clarified and asked that we find an answer other than THE CHILDREN ….. of course, we all wanted to say the children!
Anyway, here are some of our responses:
“My co-teacher is just the best. She is an amazing teacher, and our collaboration makes for a wonderful learning environment for me.”
“I am so thankful that I can have an authentic relationship with my co-teacher. We can be ourselves with each other.”
“Children’s House recess! At what other job would I be able to go outside and play for 40 minutes a day.”
“My very favorite is teaching early readers. Being present as they first start to put it all together is like witnessing a wondrous miracle.”
“I love thinking about my planning for a one on one lesson with a particular student. For me, finding just the right process with just the right materials is rewarding ….especially when that child has an ‘ah ha’ moment.
“I love how surprised I feel by the work Children’s House students are capable of. They are incredible.”
“Planning for math lessons is my favorite. Watching students make connections as they begin to understand the different operations is awesome. I think it may be because I was not a good math student in elementary school.”
“I feel like I can be totally myself in my classroom and with my co-teacher. We come from different sides of the Cape, but I am convinced we think about the same things on our drives in… when we arrive, we often share our thoughts on the same subject…. And we are always on the same page.”
“Having students for three years in the Montessori three-year cycle is wonderful. I love the relationships I am able to create with not only students but families. We really know our families.
“Watching the joy of learning that exists when a child is working with Montessori materials is my favorite. The work is brilliant.”
“Having lunch with my Children’s House classroom students is my favorite. Spending this relaxed time with them is great. They are so engaging, smart and funny!”
I hope you have enjoyed this Bridgeview Valentine!